Thread Net with VOP

Let’s make some thread swirling around and make a net.

Firstly, we create a grid and keep only points.

We then use VOP to generate v (velocity) that we can later use it in POP to drive particle.

Spherical waves

Here’s the note that i would like to share with you to make spherical waves by Houdini using vex to create a sphere from a grid and project wavy lines on to the surface.


Make some wavy lines on a 2D Plane 🠒 Project them onto a Sphere (which is made from the 2D Plance) 🠒 Create Stripes based on the generated waves.

Make waves

  • To generate some 2d waves, we start by create a grid (in this example, i set up the grid orientation as ZX plane and connectivity as Columns).
  • Next, we keep just the first Column by Delete SOP.
  • Apply Resample Node with Maximum Segments of 13 (so we have 14 points on the line).
  • Wrangle 01 – create waves by transform the position of P.x
float overall_speed = ch("overall_speed");
float leading_wave_speed = ch("leading_wave_speed");
@P.x += @Time * overall_speed;
if (@ptnum % 3 == 2)
    @P.x += @Time * leading_wave_speed;
@P.x = clamp(@P.x,-5.0,5.0);
  • The wave is now formed but it’s sharp. Therefore, we smooth it by convert the line to Nurb.
  • Use Trail SOP to offset-clone the waves we’ve just made.
  • We project the waves on to 2D grid by using vex function intersect
vector project_dir = chv("project_dir");
vector project_points;
vector uvw;
int primid = intersect(1, @P, project_dir, project_points, uvw);

if (primid >= 0)
    @P = project_points;
    @N = prim(1, "N", primid);

v@project_prim = primid;
v@project_uv = uvw;
  • Now we convert the flat 2D Grid to sphere by writing vex code as follow:
vector relbox = relbbox(0,v@P);
float u = relbox.z;
float v = relbox.x;
float rad = ch("radius");
u *= (2*$PI);
v *= $PI;
float x = rad * sin(v) * cos(u);
float y = rad * sin(v) * sin(u);
float z = rad * cos(v);
v@P = set(x,y,z);
  • Let’s put the 2D waves into first input of the Wrangle and the Sphere into the second and project the waves into the spherical geometry:
v@P = primuv(1, "P", i@project_prim, v@project_uv);

[vex] turn grid to sphere

grid [0] – sphere [1]

apply uv for grid while sphere should be primitive or mesh (doesn’t work with polygon option)

use swizzle to re-arrange the relative bouncing box of the grid from XYZ to XZY.

use primuv to interpolate position of sphere based on attribute “P” and apply to the grid

vector toXZY = swizzle(relbbox(0,v@P),0,2,1);
vector prim_uv = primuv(1,”P”,0, toXZY);
v@P = prim_uv;

SOP: Distance from Geometry

Distance from Geometry (geometry node)

Function: Measure distance between each point and a reference geometry


  • Scatter some points on a grid and plug to Attribute Geometry of distancefromgeo SOP
  • Type a text and wire to Reference Geo of the SOP
  • Set Distance Metric to Distance from Surface
  • Promote dist attribute to max and min detail
  • Write a wrangle to remap the dist attribute
float max_dist = detail(1, 'max_dist');
float min_dist = detail(2, 'min_dist');
@dist = fit(@dist, min_dist, max_dist, chf('min_dist'), chf('max_dist'));
float dist_ramp = chramp('dist_ramp', @dist);
@dist *= dist_ramp;'

S2RS v1.0.2

S2RS is a Cinema 4D plugin which loads all the textures exported from Substance Painter and create Redshift Material according to the user’s defined mapping structure.

What’s new in v1.0.2?

  • Developed with Python 3.7.7, so it works well with Cinema 4D R23.
  • Setting Bump Texture Map as Height Field, Tangent Space Normal or Object Space Normal
  • Enabling Gamma Override for Roughness
  • Fast disable/enable Mapping Structure
  • Fixed crash bugs in older version

User Interface:

  • Texture Folder: Click Browse Button to Load the Folder of the textures exported from Substance Painter
  • Mapping Structure: You can define how Redshift Material use the textures from Substance Painter. Each Texture has 10 options to connect to Redshift Material Ports.
  • Disable All / Enable All is a utility to toggle the connection of all textures.
  • You can choose whether using Height Field, Tangent-Space Normal or Object-Space Normal as Input Map Type.
  • When enable Gamma Override for Roughness, the texture node for Roughness is set Gamma Override Enabled and value is 1.0
  • Apply material to scene is an option to assign the Redshift materials to the objects based on its names.
  • After all settings are defined, click PROCEED button to load the textures and create Redshift Material for your scene.

S2RS Workflow Example:

Create Cinema 4D scene and export its objects to FBX file to use in Substance Painter

From Substance Painter, set the export config to PBR MetaRough and export to a folder that you will import to Cinema 4D later.

In Cinema 4D, select the Texture Folder to load the textures you export from Substance Painter. Customize your setting and click Proceed. For applying the materials to scene, your C4D filename must be the same as your original C4D file that you export objects to Substance Painter.

choose random array element

//float f[] = float[](array(1, 2, s, t, length(P-L), length(N)));
float array[] = float[](array(0,1,2,3,4));
int j;
float temp;
for (int i = 0; i < len(array); i++) {
j = floor(fit01(random(i + @Time*10),0,5));
i@jv = j;
temp = array[j];

@a = temp;


Modulus operator returns the r value (remainder) after dividing a with b

r = a % b

for example:

  • r = 7 % 5; r = 2;
  • r = 5 % 5; r = 0;

Use modulus to choose odd or even number

In this example, we got a polygon circle and we choose only points with odd numbers and push them out to turn a circle into a star shape.

if (@ptnum%2==1) {
    @P += @P*ch("amount");

Use modulus operator to cycle value

To cycle the value in Carve node, we can use:

experession in First U: fit(@Time%4,1,4,0,1)

experssion in Second U: fit(@Time%4,0.1,3.5,0,1)

Add a foreach loop to create the offset for carving.

//rotate around N random
float angle = radians(chf("angle"));
float cone_angle = radians(chf("cone_angle"));
float seed = chf("seed");
vector axis = v@N;
vector rand_offset = normalize(sample_sphere_cone(axis, cone_angle, vector(rand(@ptnum + seed))));
axis = normalize(axis + rand_offset);
vector side = cross(axis, {0,1,0});
vector up = cross(axis, side);
vector front = axis;
matrix3 m = set(side, up, front);
vector4 q = quaternion(angle, axis);
vector4 orient = quaternion(m);
p@orient = qmultiply(q, orient);
float angle = radians(chf("angle"));
vector axis = v@N; 
vector side = cross(axis, {0,1,0});
vector up = cross(axis, side);
vector front = axis;
matrix3 m = set(side, up, front);
vector4 q = quaternion(angle, axis);
vector4 orient = quaternion(m);
p@orient = qmultiply(q, orient);